You’re gonna get wet
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date: 08/06/2020
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names:
Badger, Mach1, Nomad, Cheerdad, 57, Anvil, Peta, Wilson
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: .
QIC: Wilson
It’s awesome that AO5&Dime has restarted after a hiatus due to COVID. As Wilson’s VQ, he wanted to utilize some new spots in the AO. As a result, everyone got to roll around in a lot of dewy grass to start their day!
Abe Vigoda
Copperhead Squats
Arm Circles
Side Straddle Hops
Mountain Climbers
The Thang
Mosey for a few minutes to a nice open grass field:
Follow the Leader call outs through a series of High Planks, Low Planks,
and Merkins.
Partner up. Don’t know if this has a name, but one partner alternates
high plank to low plank while the other runs the length of the field and
does 10 Merkins at the far end. Repeat until each member has completed 50
Mosey through a neighborhood to another grass field:
Partner up for some modified BOMBS.
– 25 Burpees
– 50 Merkins
– 100 Overhead Arm Claps
– 150 Big Boy Sit Ups (shortened from 200 due to time limits)
– One partner runs the length of the field and back while other completes
exercises. Repeat until complete!
Mosey back to starting point!
Circle of Trust
Prayed as thanks for bringing these men together, also for unknown brothers in Springfield, MO to get an F3 chapter up and going. Additionally, prayed for Mach1 in his new job search!
Naked Man Moleskin
VQ is a great learning experience. Definitely completely underestimated how long everything would take. Didn’t get to a couple exercises and had to cut a couple short just to finish on time! Now I know!