F3 Role Descriptions

Purpose:  Communicate recommended roles and responsibilities of the
Shared Leadership Team. Role clarity, skills needed and what is expected, will
lead to higher performance and acceleration in accomplishing our mission. 

Region Shared Leadership Team:

     Included in the document are 1st F Q, 2nd F Q, 3rd F Q, Weasel Shaker, Commz Q, Expansion Q, Rucking Q, Nantan

     Role fit will be dependent on region size and acceleration goals

Shared Leadership Teams within Regional Leadership Teams:

     Examples included here are Site Qs under 1st F, Q Source Q under 3rd F

     Each of the Regional SLT members can form a SLT to develop new leaders, ensure success, on the front lines to know what the pax needs/wants, acceleration, get stuff done. 

     Benefits are in Q Source: Fourth Quadrant / Leave Right,i.e. Sua Sponte Leader, Schooling, Apprenticeship, Opportunity, etc.  

Role/Responsibility Recommendations:

All SLT roles:

     Lead with Love, commitment to always be accelerating across all 3 F’s, model the F3 culture and avoid factionalism (cliques)

     EH’s PAX to individual initiative and virtuous leadership acceleration

     He is a leader of leaders by forming a small team of HIMs to set direction, get guys to lead activities and take action.

     Partnerships and collaboration.  Balance specific functions (1st F, 2nd F, Commz, Expansion, GrowRuck, etc) with the region’s goals.

     Attends bi-weekly F3 Shared Leadership Team Meetings

     Has a presence on the F3 Nation Slack Channels to collaborate, learn and share best practices

Nantan :

The cultural and spiritual leader of his PAX, who represents but does not govern.  Encourages Plant/Grow/Serve and ignites the need for male community leadership amongst the Pax. 


The Q of the Region

1.) Constantly Pursue Infill Expansion – encourage the bifurcation of Problematic Workouts and the planting of underserved areas in region

2.) Constantly Encourage Emotional Headlocking

 Be a leader in all three F’s . . .

4.) 1st F : Always be in a state of progressing fitness

5.) 2nd F: Attend as many 2nd F events as possible, not running for mayor though.

     Avoid factionalism in region (cliques)

     Treat all men the same, not identify with any particular group

     Seen as representative of all the PAX in region, not just “my” guys

6.) 3rd F : Encourage PAX to a life of Purpose in whatever form their Faith takes.

     Don’t allow one view to dominate by majority or silenced by minority

     F3 is a First Amendment culture.  Every man gets to speak his mind.

     F3 is a LOVE culture, in which the freedom to speak one’s mind comes with the responsibility to do so in a manner that best breeds Fellowship.  This is a delicate and narrow line to tread, and the example starts with Nant’an.

7.) Balance Regional Need With F3 Nation Need

     Presence on F3 Natan Slack Channel

     Attend F3 Nantan Conference Calls

     First point of contact from F3 Nation

8.) Takes responsibility For Outcomes and Encourage movement, I2 – Individual Initiative.

     F3 is a movement, decentralized, spread quickly,

     Teach what we know (Freed to Lead/Q-Source), make clear the mission, reward all forms of initiative and manage the consequences.

     Decentralized leaders have the skill needed, know what to do, see it and have the confidence to do so without fear that they will be cut off at the knees if they fail.  That kind of leadership is explosive and the very thing that drives Movements forward dramatically.  

Weasel Shaker

     The man who shakes the men who are trying to weasel out of their commitments and what they know needs to be done.

     Keeps his ear to the ground, and his finger on the pulse of the Pax with the Nantan

He is a best practice investigator, implementation specialist, rule embracing, spreadsheet-loving, detail-oriented sort that helps the Region accelerate into the next 43ft.  


     It may be obvious, but we’ll state it anyway…

     This man is the Q for making sure the Pax stay connected to one another. He understands very clearly that 2ndF does not end at the AO or at the Hump Day Happy Hour (HDHH). Part of what makes F3 work is a dedicated man to keep the drum beating so that Pax has community with one another.

     Twitter, Slack, Newsletters, etc. are the tools he uses.

     Should be reasonably tech-savvy.

1st F Q (Magnet Man)

     This is the guy that ensures the smooth running of the AOs.

     Models and is always in a state of increasing fitness

     Ensures the culture of F3 is promoted

     Spreads his workouts across the region to support and coach site leads & PAX to avoid factionalism in the region (cliques)

     He makes sure that Site Qs are doing their jobs and often will hold regular meetings to do so.

     He works with the Nantan and WS to look at the growth of 1st F AO plants.  In regions with Expansion Q, he will ensure alignment on growth, smooth transition to and development of a new Site Q. 

     He ensures Q Schools happen across the region

     Coordinates site data / metrics with Site Qs to measure, monitor and celebrate successes 

Site/AO Qs (Part of 1st F SLT)

     The F3 Ambassadors/site Qs, if you will. Every man’s first impression of F3 will likely be guided by the work of these men. This is where the rubber really meets the road.

     He makes sure that the core principles are kept intact, which is impossible to do if HE ISN’T THERE.

     He plants the flag for the AO, makes folks feel welcome, makes sure the disclaimer is correctly spoken, cadence is called, picks up the 6, makes sure the FNGs have a battle buddy, watches for hydration issues, ETC..

     He manages safety for the site (don’t post if there is a bunch of lightning, that sort of thing).

     He manages the Q schedule. Practices voluntoldism.

     He sells the AO, the Qs, and the Mission of F3.

     He harasses Qs to write BBs, etc.

                  ●    He sends the welcome email to FNGs (This is now Automated! Link Here) and assigns them a Battle Buddy. Site Q confirms that Battle Buddy has the contact info for the FNG.

                  ●    He confirms the FNG details are captured and added to the FNG Form (Link Here)

2nd F Q (Glue Boy)

     Mr. Party Pants. Whether it be Hump Day Happy Hour (HDHH), family picnics, Christmas Parties, or Coffeeteria, this is the guy who makes the donuts.

     Models and is always in a state of increasing fellowship opportunities and creating relationships

     Ensures the culture of F3 is promoted

     Spreads his fellowship activities across the region to support, coach Pax and to avoid factionalism in the region (cliques)

     Creates SLT to plan and execute 1) Hump Day Happy Hours or the like, 2) Region Convergences and 3) CSAUPs.

3rd F Q (Dr. Dynamite)

     The 3rd F Q really needs to understand the needs and wants of his Pax.

     He can plant anything from a leadership discussion, weekly faith formation to a regular community service opportunity for Pax. His role is the essence of the real mission of F3. Male COMMUNITY Leadership. It’s ambiguous on purpose, but it needs to make IMPACT.

     Models and is always in a state of progressing leadership development

     Ensures the culture of F3 is promoted

     Spreads his engagement across the region to know the needs of the men, their passions and communities to avoid factionalism in the region (cliques)

Q Source Q (Part of 3rd F SLT)

     Creates a culture of Q Source across the region.

     Helps create a culture of continued acceleration.

     Desire and ability to visit the AOs of the Region and form relationships with PAX.

     Partners with Site Qs, Comz Q, and Rucking Q to promote Q Source

     Part of the 3rd F leadership team and has the ability to build out Q Source SLT

     Has a presence on the F3 Nation Slack Channels to collaborate and share best practices

Q of Expansion

     Seek opportunities to plant and grow F3 in the local region

     Work with 1st F Q to recon new AOs that offer the greatest geographical opportunity

     Map out a plan for future growth within the region itself and then how that growth could spin off into additional regions down the road

     Work closely with the F3 Nation level Expansion Team in order to help fulfill any and all needs for growth.

Q of Rucking

     Creates a culture of rucking across the region

     Creates a training program for GrowRuck and future GrowRucks of other regions

     Builds partnerships with local Ruck Clubs

     Expertise in equipment and organizes lend-a-ruck

     Partners with 2nd F for fellowship and/or 3rd F for Q Source, Leadership or Faith discussions during Rucks

GrowRuck Host Q:

     Responsible for the GrowRuck Training Exercise (GTE) weekend. 

     Works closely with and takes direction from the Nation’s Event Q, Trainers and Cadres.

     Develops a region GrowRuck Shared Leadership Team to ensure success covering locations, hospitality, people, gear and commz. 


Updated by GMO / F3 St. Louis 1/18/21 (F3 NWA Site updated 09/24/2021 by Huckleberry)


Baseline doc from F3 Gastonia: <http://f3gastonia.com/resources/job-descriptions/>https://drive.google.com/open?id=1m6WBm2bRmwiYdtbY6sTjCymUuPUwJn2C

Bing – Q of Expansion

Freed To Lead

Q Source