Welcome August 2020!

AO: Genesis

BeatDown Date: 08/01/2020


Number of Pax: 19

Pax Names:

Doughboy, Dutch Oven, Huckleberry, Fortnight, Howzit, Roscoe, Anvil, Nomad, Rio, The Mountain, Wonka, Woody, Sniper, Switch, Friday, 3 FNG’s!

Number of FNGS: 3

FNG Names: Michael Braswell (Elvis), Levester Posey (Cheer Dad), Adam McPike (Stoner)

QIC: 57


19 is ridiculous! So cool to see the group growing like that. Mad props to Nomad, Roscoe, Wonka, and Rio for the FNG HIM’s they have brought in the last few weeks.

I was excited for this Q. Searched the F3 Nation exicon page for some new material, and as always, hit the jackpot! Knew this one wasn’t going to be easy, so… modify as needed 🙂


Neck roll
Finkle swings
Sleep Walker 123 – 1 squat, 2 toe touch, 3 lunges (to 10 squats)

The Thang

Mosey via Indian run to the north side parking lot

Bear crawl 1-2-3 (partner up)
– 100 burpees
– 200 dips
– 300 LBC’s
– One does exercise while the other bear crawls then crawl bears between curbs on north side of school

Run back to the truck to grab bricks and circle up in south parking lot

Welcome to August with the “8/1 exercises”
– Circle up
– 8- 60 sec exercises with 30 sec break in between
– Exercise 1: Thrusters (squat time shoulder press)
– Exercise 2: High knees
– Exercise 3: Reverse lunges to curl
– Exercise 4: Mountain climbers
– Exercise 5: High/low star plank (hands out-in)
– Exercise 6: Jump rope
– Exercise 7: Arm raises
– Exercise 8: Choppy feet with push up every 10 sec’s (football drill)

– Reach for the stars (with bricks) 25 total
– Freddie Mercury 50 total
– Leg lifts 30 total
– Call it!

Circle of Trust

We named 3 FNG’s. We are excited for Switch and his new job opportunity that starts this week! We lifted up family illnesses. Overall, we were just thankful for the growing PAX and the friendships being formed.

Naked Man Moleskin

Having 19 guys definitely made the Q more challenging. Mostly ensuring all could hear the instructions, and figuring out how to break up the group in mosey’s and spread out in exercises. You start to see why the starfish concept is important. As Nomad pointed out.. If we keep up this growth, we will definitely have to start thinking about where do we plant next on Saturdays? Love the idea of a Bentonville on Saturday’s. Just pray that we will listen and be aware of the direction God wants us to go.

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