Ultra Hip Flexor!!
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date: 01/14/2021
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
Picket Fence
Fish N Chips
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: non
QIC: Yazoo
Yazoo shared with the PAX his goal was to teach everyone what he does on his non-F3 days to make him a stronger runner and avoid injury.
We kicked off an unusually warm morning with a little mumble chatter and some arm circles, glute activators, stretches, copperhead squats, and SSH.
The Thang
LETS MOZEY!!!!! Please put that on my gravestone – YHC Yazoo
The Chorus on this beatdown was Buttkick loops and 10 Burpees between exercises.
Exercises included:
– Side Step Squats x 50
– Toe Taps (forward, side, back) followed by a merkin x20
– Elevated Lung x25
– Squats x50
– Susan Summer X50
– Pistol Squats x 25 each leg
Then we did a little kick the ball for our Merry.
Circle of Trust
Prayers for our Brother Cheerdad, Nomad and Half-Baked on news of Hudson’s final news on cause of death being unknown, and prayers for Badgers friend Ann and her family as she finishes the fight in this world.
Naked Man Moleskin
Every day is one day less we have to make life count.
As Stoner said lots of men are living but they are not alive.
I want live live and for me, it requires constant focus.
Naturally, I don’t do a great job at this but I try to approach things like this in this order:
1. Be a strong man of Faith first
2. Be a good husband
3. Be a good father
4. Be a good steward of the job God has given me for this time in life
5. Be a good steward of the body I have
6. Make the most of every day and try not to give into my flesh or the enemy.
7. Do something I enjoy.
Most days I struggle with not letting #7 become number one or get above the rest. When I do I start over the moment I realize it and try again.
That’s all I got and SYITG! – Yazoo