Tortoise & the Hare
AO: Genesis
BeatDown Date: 06/13/2020
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names:
Rio, Mosby (KC F3), FNG with Mosby (Spam), The Mountain, Caddy Shack, Coed, Wonka, Nomad
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Gavin Hodgins (Spam)
QIC: 57
It’s always great to have PAX join from other chapters. Even cooler when they bring an FNG with them. Great to meet Mosby from KC, and his brother in law Gavin (FNG – Spam)
ssh, weedpickers, abe’s, leg stretch
The Thang
Tortoise and the hare BOMBS
• partner 1 ruck walk
• Partner 2 does exercise then run to catch up and switch:
• Burpees 5×5 each
• Outlaws (leg circles) 10×5
• Merkins 15×5
• LBC’s 20×5
• Squats 25×5
• spread on curb
• All right are plank
• One at time to merkins then plank (10 merks)
• The left arm plank and repeat back
Howling monkeys:
• Circle up
• Monkey humper position
• One at time do 10 squats
• Go around twice for howling monkeys
Circle of Trust
Mosby told us about the midwest region Grow Ruck in August.
Naked Man Moleskin
The howling monkeys definitely works. The groaning after round 2 was outstanding!