Thunderstruck at the Battlefield!
AO: Battlefield
BeatDown Date: 06/15/2019
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names:
Major Pain, Ghandi, Grizzly, Top Flight, Foxy, Calipari
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/A
QIC: Major Pain & Grizzly
Rain or shine, hot or cold, but lightning? Luckily we had access to an indoor facility…
Pot stirrers
Pot stirrers
The Thunderstruck warmup (AC/DC, do a burpee every time you hear the word “Thunder”)
Mosey out to the field
The Thang
Major Pain’s 11’s:
Burpees-over-the-bench/BB situps moseying from side line to side line in between, 10 rounds.
Soaked with rain, we moseyed back inside away from the thunder and lightening…
Grizzly’s 33’s:
Holding a 25lb plate (steering wheel style) 11 curls, 11 overhead presses, 11 behind the head tricep extensions, lunge to the next 10 yard line, rinse and repeat 5x to the 50 ya line.
Team tire flip challenge: two teams of 3, 50 yd race to the finish line. It was a narrow race with a one-flip margin going to Major Pain’s team
Ab-o-rama (6MoM doesn’t do this one justice):
Plank off’s 2 rounds
300 rep Pick your Poison: all 6 of us took turns calling out an ab exercise for 25/50 reps until we had done 300 total. Demons were exercised, backblast got new meanings, laughs and jokes were had.
Circle of Trust
Prayer requests for Foxy’s upcoming knee surgery, praise reports for Grizzly’s baby ultrasound results & business going well for MP
Naked Man Moleskin
It may be a while before we can enjoy AC/DC again, but through the sweat and rain, we overcame…