The Run Down
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date:
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names:
Picket Fence
Top Hat
Silver Bullet
Start Up
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: na
QIC: Yazoo
Not sure if everyone likes to run… but we are running…
Just one… copperhead squats 🙂
The Thang
We moseyed… a lot.
To the parking garage by the splash pad, then over to the garage by the NHM.
Up down and back around many times with some planks and air chairs in between to give everyone a chance to catch up and regroup.
Circle of Trust
We lifted up Picasso’s request, traveling mercies, Atlas’s project for the school, and more. Just keep praying.
Naked Man Moleskin
I am thankful for all you guys. If anything, we know life is short, and every day is a gift. Without you all I would not be in consisent decent shape which now cycles from great shape to decent shape instead of in shape to out of shape. We all have a chance to make a difference today, and the greatest thing is it doesn’t matter if we have screwed up in the past or the entire day, the next minute is our chance to make a difference and change the course of things for the better. Stay strong, stand firm, stand together. – YHC Yazoo