Summer Vacation What???
AO: Firehouse
BeatDown Date: 06/05/2019
Number of Pax: 3
Pax Names:
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Badger
QIC: Yazoo
While some were on vacation and traveling…. the new guys showed up to keep the Firehouse BURNING!!!
Weed Picker
The Thang
The Cherokee Challenge
10 San Antonio Shuffles
20 Burpees
100 Rock Curls
30 Merkins
40 Lunges
50 Monkey Humpers
60 Mountain Climbers
70 Squats
80 Flutter Kicks
90 LBC’s
100 Overhead Presses
Circle of Trust
Yazoo’s dad’s continued health
Badgers dad’s health
57’s parents in new stage of life, just sold their home home, and considering what to do next. Major change
Naked Man Moleskin
As a PAX we are stronger than when fighting the fight alone. A PAX stands together, encourages each other, and when one of the PAX falls down, the rest of the PAX picks them back up. My brothers, I challenge us all, stay strong today, grow in your faith, hunt and capture the sad clowns we meet, bring them into the PAX, they need us, we need them, and we need each other. F3NWA – YHC Yahoo