Spring Breaking Bad
AO: Todos Tacos
BeatDown Date: 03/19/2022
Number of Pax: 15
Pax Names:
Huckleberry, Stoner, Murdock, Wonka, Nomad, Geek Squad, Rio, Fortnite, Ex-lax, Ripcord, Casket, Yellow Jacket, Knockout, Klinger, Picket Fence
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: None
QIC: Huckleberry
Starting off Spring Break week with a beatdown by the OG Huckleberry.
15x Tiny Toilet Squats extend up to tip toes
15x Goofballs
15x Weed Pickers
15x Copperhead Squats
20x Apollo Ono
15x Hillbillies (Imperial Walkers but same side)
A Skips across parking lot twice
Dosey Does across parking lot once
Mosey to upper lot with poles.
The Thang
Quarter Miler (two rounds): 5 exercises 25 Reps run poles between exercises (Spiderman Pushups, Knee Tucks (cockroach resurrection), Calf Raises, Big Boy Situps, Pike Pushup)
Mosey to upper south side of parking deck
Circle Burp. Chopping feet, each pax calls “Down” and we do a burpee. We finish when all have called “Down”. 15 pax plus extras = 20 burpees
Mosey to Tacos 4 Life.
Care Bear Share (4 Pax per team): 300 Squats, 150 Merkins; bear crawl to pole and mosey back 25 yards between lines
Mosey to waterfall stairs
2 x 30 Tricep Dips
Mosey home
6 MoM around the horn.
Alabama Prom Dates x 25
Freddie Mercury x 25
Starfish x 15
2.0 miles total
Circle of Trust
Prayers for Dutch Oven
Nomad and family with new baby coming
Naked Man Moleskin
Spring Breaking Bad means Breaking Bad habits. What’s making you lesser than you could be? What’s keeping you from your goals? The tiny little Bad habits done constantly over time that keeps you off track, get rid of them.