So fresh and so clean. Fresh from downrange with fresh material.
AO: BlackOps
BeatDown Date: 07/19/2021
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names:
Silver Bullet, Stoner, Wonka, Fish ‘n Chips, Nomad
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: n/a
QIC: Nomad
Welcome to F3. I’m not a professional so please modify as needed. I’m fresh back from vacation and posted downrange while in Destin. Back with some fresh material.
Side Straddle Hops (10)
Learning to fly (10 fwd, 10 bwd) – squats while doing arm cirlces in cadence
Copperheard squats (10)
Copperhaed merkin (10)
The Thang
#1 JACK WEBB = To 10 merkins and everything doubles each set. Start with 2 lunges, 1 pushup, and 4 overhead press. Then 4 lunges, 1 pushups, and 8 overhead press. Continue from there…
2 – 20 lunges.
1 – 10 merkins.
4 – 40 overhead press.
Mosey to the left side of the community center below the hill.
#2 DRY MONKEYS = to 10 Carolina Dry Docks and 20 Monkey Humpers in sequential order. First round is 1 dry dock and 2 monkey humpers, then second round is 2 dry docks and 4 monkey humpers, and continue until you get to last round with 10 dry docks and 20 monkey humpers.
1 – 10 Carolina Dry Docks
2 – 20 Monkey Humpers
Circle of Trust
Keeping Dutch Oven in our prayers
Group going to Grow Ruck 23 in St Louis on 7/16 – 7/18
Prayers for our men to have strength throughout the week this week.
We also discussed enjoying the Monday morning workouts to start the week off right.
Naked Man Moleskin
YHC forgot to get a photo or video of the group today. I am owning up to that mistake and will work to not make that mistake again!