Ruckin’ Good Beatdown
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date: 05/19/2022
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names:
Silver Bullet, Safari, Wheezy, Fish N Chips, Atlas, Bob Ross, Picasso, Pho
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: n/a
QIC: Pho
8 HIMs descended on the 5&Dime this morning for a Ruckin good BD. I’m not a professional…
SSH (15 IC)
Hillbilly Walker (10 IC)
LBAC (10 IC Forward/Reverse)
Bonnie Blairs (20 IC)
Sprinkler (10 IC)
The Thang
The Chase
Pax 1 – 30 lb Ruck w/ 40 lb Sandbag or Cindy
Pax 2 – performs the exercise and sprints to catchup to Pax 1 to take Ruck & Sandbag
25 Merkins
12 Burpees
25 Deep Squats
20 Hand Release Merkins
10 Burpees
20 Sumo Squats
10 8 Count Body Buildings (Burpee w/ 2 Peter Parker’s)
Mosey to the Rail
Calf Raises (100 on the Q: 20 Regular/20 Toes In/20 Toes Out/20 Left Foot Only/20 Right Foot Only)
The Race
Pax 1 – 30 lb Ruck w/ 40 lb Sandbag
Pax 2 – performs the exercise until Pax 1 returns. Switch Pax 2 takes Ruck & Sandbag
Low Plank
6” Leg Lift
Flutter Kicks
Leg Lifts
Box Cutters
Circle of Trust
Taps for all those who are traveling, dealing with COVID, struggling with their challenges and uncertainties
Prayers for all of our leaders, frontline workers, military, those who are hurting (mind, body, soul).
Naked Man Moleskin
Thanks for coming out this morning gents and helping me start the day! It was an honor to lead. I’ll be back.