Ruck, Reflect, Reprioritize, Recalibrate….Repeat
AO: Ruckers Paradise
BeatDown Date: 12/31/2021
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names:
Nomad, 57, Atlas, Oracle, Sparta, Silver Bullet, Backdraft
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: n/a
QIC: Nomad
Welcome brothers, as it’s the last day of 2021, we’re going to take some time to reflect, reprioritize and recalibrate.
Ruck across bridge and then to the right within visibility of base of the crosses behind Cross Church.
Happy New Years Eve
Mission Statement
5 Core Principles
Waramarama – every pax went around and said what they were proud of or thankful for from 2021 – then each pax led an exercise for warmarama.
The Thang
Ruck to the pavilion where tent is set up.
2 MIN AMRAP Hand-Release Merkins (40 is Growruck standard)
2 MIN AMRAP Big Boy Sit-ups soles of feet together with hands touching above head on down and hands touching in front of feet on up (50 is Growruck standard)
The Thang:
We rucked with 1x80lbs sandbag and 1x60lbs sandbag around the lake. Sandbags always at the front and every minute a timer went off and sandbags had to rotate to man behind them. We kept this rotation with 12 min time hack around the 3/4 mi lake loop. We made it in 10 minutes so the bar is set for next time 😉
Circle of Trust
We went around the circle at the end with every man sharing what was on his heart to look forward to and pray for in the coming year. That is how we ended the COT – praying for these things. Some of the things we prayed for was health, our families, clarity, ministry, discipleship and leading our families in the new year. Silver Bullet challenged the group to give it away this year and double the size so we finish with 14+ on the last beatdown of the year in 2022.
Naked Man Moleskin
Encouraged by the men who showed up on the last beatdown of the year. Appreciate the leadership of these men making me better every day.