One Punch Men

AO: Rotisserie Fields

BeatDown Date: 10/29/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names:

Casper, Switchblade, Geek Squad, Past Tense, Swatch (FNG)

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Swatch

QIC: Casper


This Beatdown was based on the workout routine of the most powerful superhero: One-Punch Man. Do this every day and you too will be able to defeat any enemy using only one punch.


Arm Circles
Abe Vigoda
On six, thigh/pelvic stretch
Prone Cobra
10-count motivator

The Thang

Mosey to parking lot

The One-Punch Man workout: 100 merkins, 100 situps, 100 squats, divided into 5 sets of 20 each. While this is happening, each PAX takes a turn running the length of the parking lot while the others are completing their reps.

Lunge from one side of the parking lot to the other

Time Bomb: Start in plank position. The exercise is performed while listening to Rancid’s song “Time Bomb.” Verse: Mountain Climbers
Chorus: Merkins
Solo: Apollo Onos

7 pullups focusing on form; hold plank/air squat while taking turns on pullup bar.
40 Calf Raises + 40 Step-ups (1=1)
Mosey to the middle of field and army crawl back to parking lot.
Flutter kicks
Six inch leg raises
Freddy Mercury

Circle of Trust

Warm welcome to our FNG.
Prayers and concerns for general state of the world.

Naked Man Moleskin

STAY HYDRATED. After the army crawl I started to feel sick and faint and had to recover for a second. I felt immediately better after getting a drink of water. Thanks you, PAX, for being gracious with me. Better preparation on my part will keep this from happening in the future.

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