On Multiple Levels

AO: 5andDime

BeatDown Date: 06/28/2022


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names:

Nomad, Mowen, Murdock, Ripcord, Kenny G

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Bob Vila


Its not about where you were, but where you end up. We used the parking garage levels for each location.


Short mosey, arm circles, side-strattle hops

The Thang

Mosey to location
20 Merkins, run to next level
20 big boy sit-ups, run to next
20 squats, run to next
20 calf raises, run to top.
20 lunges, 20 shoulder taps, 20 2-as-1 flutterkicks
Work your way back down, in reverse order as you hit your previous locations.

Circle of Trust

Picaso and his family in Honduras
Ripcord’s health

Naked Man Moleskin

Your identity doesn’t come from where you started or what you’ve been through, it comes from who and what you are now.

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