Old Fashion Beatdown
AO: Firehouse
BeatDown Date: 09/07/2021
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
See video
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/A
QIC: 57
The pre blast communication told the pax to be concerned due to the Q being quieter than usual the day before…. Reality- the Q was extending the Labor Day fun for as long as possible. The beatdown was written at about 9pm the night before, and sticking to the basics won out as the best plan!
Mosey around parking lot and circle up for disclaimer, welcome, and warmup:
– shoulder stretches
– tricep stretches
– weed picker (IC 10)
– Abe Vagoda (IC 10)
– Copper Head Squat (IC 10)
– SSH (IC 30)
The Thang
Mosey to top corner of parking lot near cars and light.
Part 1: Dora 123
– partner up
– 100 merkins
– 200 dips
– 300 squats
– one partner does exercise while other partner runs loop around the lot. Switch off and get to cumulative count for each.
Mosey to football field.
Part 2:
– 40 SSH (one count)
– 30 plank jacks (one count)
– 20 lunges (hard way)
– 10 burpees
Mosey to pavilion
Part 3:
– one man per table and 2 without table. Alternating tables the exercises are:
– curls
– shoulder press
– step ups
– scissor kicks (for no table)
– perform 10 of each exercise then rotate to next spot counter clockwise until back to original exercise
Mosey back to parking lot and circle up for 6MOM:
– Suzanne Summers (30/side)
– v ups (15)
– leg extensions
Circle of Trust
– reminder of Wednesday IPC option at 5&10 this week
– reminder that Saturday is 20th anniversary of 9/11
– prayers for Emma (lost her parents to Covid), Sarah (sodium levels figured out), Dutch Oven (cancer healing)
Naked Man Moleskin
I love an old fashion beat down. Keeping it simple is always enjoyable, especially when you keep things moving.