Mountain’s Back!!
AO: Firehouse
BeatDown Date: 04/13/2021
Number of Pax: 14
Pax Names:
Stoner, Outbreak, Mountain, Yazoo, Nomad, 57, Badger, PETA, Doughboy, Dutch Oven, Fish ‘n Chips, Picket Fence, Sherpa,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/A
QIC: Doughboy
The Mountain hath returned. It’s go time.
Arm circles, weed pickers, abe vigodas, side straddle hops.
No Motivator – gasp!
The Thang
Mosey to coupons:
100 Overhead press (w. coupons)
50 tricep pulls
25 jungle boy squate (two spoons with coupons)
Elevens – merkins & Big Boy Situps
To the Hill (Mountain)
50 squats at the base and then a race to the top
PETA was the big winner
Lunges to Mary
Oh, and we planked some throughout.
Circle of Trust
Glad to have The Mountain Back
Prayed for COVID impact
Naked Man Moleskin
Beautiful Morning!