More bear crawls please

AO: Genesis

BeatDown Date: 09/28/2019


Number of Pax: 11

Pax Names:

See Twitter video

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: None

QIC: Huckleberry


Let’s work those Lats with a few bear crawls. What this song needs is more bear crawls!


Short mosey to open area bring Blocky while alternating alternate carry

10 Weed Pickers
Little Arm Circles (LAC) & Big Arm Circles (BAC)
10 Windmills
Al Gores
20 SSH

The Thang

The Thang:

11’s doing merkins and squats using alternating bear crawl and lunges to do the back and forth

Rocky Balboas x 75
Curb Dips 3 x 20 dips

1 round of 1 Minute Miracles using F3 deck, 11 stations,  Blocky at 1 station.

Mosey with Blocky to football field parking area

1 mile run around school campus

Mosey to flag with Blocky

6MoM if time permits:
25 Big boy Situp
American twist
Planks with twist

Circle of Trust


Eldons grandma
John Spears: Cancer and wife amputation
Big Papa traveling
Dutch oven praise for good trip

Naked Man Moleskin

You will feel that in the morning.