Misty Morning Ruck
AO: Ruckers Paradise
BeatDown Date: 04/01/2022
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names:
Fish & Chips
Geek Squad
LifeLock – Downrange from Seattle
Silver Bullet
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/A
QIC: Geek Squad
Misty 27F morning. We did not skip leg day.
Fast ruck around the parking lot and back. Picked up some 60/80lb bags and headed to the misty lake for the Warm-O-Rama.
The first exercise is Copperhead Squats
The next exercise is, alternating “Butt kickers”
The next exercise is “Apollo Oh Nos”
The next exercise is “Mountain climbers”
The Thang
Thang 1
Mosey to the stairs by the crosses
Run up the stairs, 3 burpees at the top
Run down the stairs, 8 forward lunges alternating each leg
Repeat 3xs
LifeLock had a borrowed pack and nearly sustained a concussion from the makeshift concrete slab sliding around in the bag.
Mosey around the parking lot, back around the lower lake then up to the upper lake for an out and back ruck back to the AO starting point.
2 minutes of Mary Pack workout
10 Overhead lifts
25 American Twists
Circle of Trust
Announcements: Sign up for GrowRuckNWA!, Meal train info for Nomad and family (See 2nd-F Slack channel), @Silver Bullet recounted his meetup with Dutch Oven. There will be a need for some F2 to help with some landscaping help. More details to come.
Prayers: Dutch Oven, Nomad/Kaitlyn/Baby Cole COT prayer lead by @Silver Bullet. LifeLock expressed gratitude for the F3 NWA group. He’s looking forward to being in NWA fulltime soon.
Naked Man Moleskin
During the Intro I read the F3 Disclaimer, Mission Statement, Credo, and 5 Core Principles so as not to forget anything as well as to let the gents know how these statement hit home for me. The Credo especially hits home: “Leave no man behind, but…leave no man where we found him.”
This was my VQ. I spent a lot of time trying to craft a ruck worthy of the F3 HIMs that took the time to gather for the ruck. I over-planned a bit but can save those moves for the next beatdown. Time flies when you are having fun! – Geek Squad –