Meet Me At The Momentary!
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date: 09/23/2021
Number of Pax: 10
Pax Names:
Wonka, Huckleberry, Rosco, Picket Fence, Silver Bullet, Shawshank, Lonesome Dove, Easy Pass, Fish & Chips, Tonka
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: 0
QIC: Wonka
Always love a moment at the Momentary!
Short mosey (because I was 1min late – ha!), Abe Vigota, 13ct Copperhead merkin end in cadence (implemented penalty of 30 monkey humpers)
The Thang
Long Mosey to The Momentary
Parter workout
1 Partner on Legs: Squats, Box Jumps, Toe Taps, Step Ups
2 Partner on Upper Body: 10 Burpees, 20 Big Boys, 30 Merkins, 40 Flutter Kicks (the hard way)
Partners spread across the Momentary field. Partner 1 on legs does exercise continually until Partner 2 comes and tags them out after their upper body set.
Bear Crawls & Lunges alternating around the grassy steps
10 incline merkins and 10 decline merkins OYO
Long Mosey back to the square with a short plank to round out our time.
Circle of Trust
Announcements: Halloween rucking event being led by Huckleberry & Rotary 3.1 event
Prayers: Roscoe friend continued improvement with COVID, & Fish & Chips friend (Eric) recovery from COVID (on vent)
Naked Man Moleskin
Grateful for the Pax’s grace with my tardiness to the beatdown! (we all need it)