March Madness
AO: Firehouse
BeatDown Date: 03/24/2022
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names:
Ex-Lax, Shamrock, Kragel, Cato, Doughboy, Stoner, Knockout, Mystery Meat
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: -
QIC: Mystery Meat
With the Sweet 16 knocking on our doorstep, I think it will be fair to call it March Madness with Mystery Meat! I’m most excited at utilizing an element that we have at AO Firehouse that I don’t recall us ever utilizing. SYITG!
Short Mosey, Copperhead Squats, Abe Vigoda, Arm Circles, Short Mosey
The Thang
Tournament Bracket:
64 – Lunges (1 is 1)
32 – HR Merkins
16 – Squat Jumps
8 – Balboa Burpies (8 taps of the real rocky balboa’s and then a burpee)
4 – Mini Motivator (Starting at 4)
2 – Basketball Plank Roll (Pax line up shoulder to shoulder in a plank, roll the basketball to each other. Each time you pass the basketball 2x mountain climber.
1 – Basketball Indian Run Victory lap. Basketball stays in front and is passed when a PAX sprints up to the front
Circle of Trust
Hank Euler passed away suddenly. A few of us knew him pretty well from some ski trips. Prayers for peace for the family at this time.
Prayers for Nomad and his wife these upcoming weeks.
Continued prayers for Dutch Oven & Colin Mathews.
Naked Man Moleskin
Unfortunately when we showed up the Basketball hoop was removed. Props go out to Doughboy for bringing his two 2.0s and them rocking the beat down!