Leaders Gotta Lead
AO: Genesis
BeatDown Date: 07/24/2021
Number of Pax: 11
Pax Names:
Casket, Thumper, Fish n Chips, Yazoo, 57, Goose, Huckleberry, Stoner, Rio, Nomad
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/a
QIC: Nomad
Had to quiet down the pax to start. Just a little mosey and the mumblechatter was in full force.
Welcome to F3, I’m not a professional, modify as needed.
Reflecting on Grow Ruck last weekend and the lessons learned. There were a few that meant the most to me which I’ll share with you today.
I’m a lazy Q. Everyone will Q today and will call the cadence today which comes in 3 parts:
(1) the next exercise is (Name the exercise and pax repeats)
(2) starting position move
(3) in cadence (pax repeats), exercise
Learning to fly FWD (10)
Learning to fly BWD (10)
SSH (10)
Weed picker (10)
High Knees (10)
Copperhead Squat (10)
Copperhead Merkin (10)
The Thang
Let’s mosey – let’s discuss 3 things we learned at Grow Ruck-
The Thang
#1 WHEN YOURE IN CHARGE TAKE CHARGE – people need a leader in every situation every day.
Everyone takes 2 cards and leads those exercises. This was fun and everyone got the opportunity to lead.
Merkins came up a lot in different varieties so when it came around to YHC we modified with long slow flutter kicks to finish.
#2 BE A GOOD TEAMMATE – you might let yourself down but you don’t want to let your brother down. Sometimes you lead and sometimes you follow; learn the difference.
Divide up the sandbags and weights and into 2 teams.
Phase 1
-assigned Casket and Thumper as team captains and privately tell them they are competing and the losing team will have a punishment.
-They need to get their team in alphabetical order, grab their sandbags, and get to the ticket booth before the other team.
-we all do the punishment together chosen by the losing team. Stoner chose 10 burpees and Casket led the group.
Phase 2
-assigned Goose and Fish n Chips as captains and the end location this time was the front of the school.
-finished close so asked Thumper to assign the punishment and lead. He led 20 mountain climbers for the entire group.
Last challenge was a mosey to the flag. About 100 yards out YHC called for 45 seconds to make it to the flag. Make it on time and we do 10 burpees or don’t make it and do 20 burpees. We made it and YHC led 10 burpees to finish it out.
Circle of Trust
57 announced that Rio is the new Site Q for AO Genesis- congrats!
Nomad announced 3rd F event at Cynthia Posey’s next Saturday 7/31 after AO Genesis 9am-11am
Casket asked for prayers for his daughter (Annie) who is battling anxiety. Stoner led ball of man at the end to pray specifically for her through Casket.
We prayed for Dutch Oven and his family battling cancer.
We prayed for Collin and his family battling the head injury.
We prayed for Picket Fence and his back to heal up to 100%
We prayed for our local hospitals and frontline workers that are battling the delta variant spike.
We prayed for our pax to have taken the leadership training today to heart to continue the journey to be better leaders every day than we were yesterday.
Naked Man Moleskin
Pax take the opportunity to Q or Co-Q if you haven’t. Take the opportunity and get creative!
If another man hasn’t told you today, I love you!