IPC week 1

AO: Genesis

BeatDown Date: 09/05/2020


Number of Pax: 18

Pax Names:

See video

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: NA

QIC: 57


IPC week 1 was tough. EMOM style is just constant motion (every minute on the minute). We modified so that all pax could do it, but even modified was tough. Believe we have about 9 guys signed up and submitting times/reps to the IPC 2021. Awesome to see the encouragement from the pax.


Arm circles
weed pickers
abe vigoda
plank to lower back stretch

The Thang

The workout is a 3 Burpee EMOM (every minute on the minute) while cumulatively working through the following exercises for total time:

50 Hand Release Release Merkins

100 Leg Raises

150 Jungle Boi Squats _ 2Spoonz Style

200 Big Boy sit ups

250 Stationary Lunges

Circle of Trust

-Thankful for ability to be able to push through a challenge like that
– Thankful for the pax
– Prayer for Caspers family as they search for employment
– Great to see Pistol Pete!

Naked Man Moleskin

It was a tough workout, but so motivating to get through, and awesome to see the pax encouraging one another. Having a modified version was key for including all.

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