IPC 2020 wk4 – The last hurrah!
AO: Genesis
BeatDown Date: 09/26/2020
Number of Pax: 18
Pax Names:
See video – we had 4 PAX join us from other regions (Waxhaw, Capefear, Kansas City)
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Beans (from Charlotte)
QIC: 57
IPC has been a great experience. Personally, I have both looked forward to and been anxious about each weeks exercises. They have been difficult, that is for sure, but they haven’t been impossible. That has to be the point. To push yourself harder than you normally would, and to see that you do have the strength and endurance (physically and mentally). I think it’s been great for the region too. it has pushed all of us, increased teamwork, and encouraged the region to keep pushing.
– Weedpickers (10 IC)
– Arm circles
– Abe Vigoda (10 IC)
The Thang
1 Round For Time
10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 25yds
25 Thruster
Return to the goal line with your block
10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 50yds
50 Alternating block merkins
Return to the goal line with your block
10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 75yds
75 Curl Presses
Return to the goal line with your block
10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Murder Bunny 100yds
100 Block Windshield Wipers
Return to the goal line with your block
10 Burpee Block Jump Overs (BBJO)
Circle of Trust
Welcomed the Vonsiatsky family that was in town for a wedding. 3 brothers, their Dad, and an 8yr old high impact kid!! It was great to have them join us from 3 different regions (Waxhaw, Capefear, and Kansas City
Marriage advice was given:
– If it won’t matter in 7 days, don’t argue about it!
– Be a servant leader in marriage, it’s a team game
– Put God in the center
Happy 8th birthday Speed Bump who crushed IPCwk 4 with his own 1/2 block. Super impressive!
Welcome FNG Beans. 70yrs young and strong! Named after his accounting career
Naked Man Moleskin
The pushups were tough, as were the curls. Slowed me up for sure. This one was more difficult than I gave it credit, but all got through.