IPC 2020 wk2

AO: Genesis

BeatDown Date: 09/12/2020


Number of Pax: 15

Pax Names:

see video

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: 57


IPC week 2 workout was both detailed and intense. Personally, leading up to it, I was both excited to take on the challenge and apprehensive. Having now completed it, both feelings were appropriate. It was as hard as I thought it would be, but very pumped to have taken it on! Also thankful for Nomad securing the blocks, taking the time to add F3NWA motivation on each, and meeting to set up early. As he said, we always pick up the 6!


It was quick, but we got one in:
– Neck roll
– Arm circles
– Abe Vigoda
– Weed pickers
– 30 sec plank

The Thang

Wheel of Misfortune

Set Up:
We placed 20 cones across opposing 45 yard lines, and 20 cones across opposing 20 yard lines. Each pax would end up with their own straight line from the 40 to the 25 (we chose this instead of the wheel and spoke set-up to give guys more room)

Requires a 75ft measurement (or football field).
Requires cones
Requires a concrete coupon weighing a minimum of 35lbs.
Requires 400m measured.

Scoring: Total reps completed in 43 minutes.

The time begins with the start of the 400m run (1.5 times around perimeter of football field) and ends 43 mins later with your final rep. The total reps completed in 43 minutes is your final score.
*The 400m run does not count towards the rep total, but MUST be completed at the beginning of each round.

Place coupon at your starting cone. Start timer. Complete a 400m run (do not carry block)

Pick up block and complete 10 Thrusters

Rifle carry coupon to opposite cone (please completely move beyond/around cone)

Complete 25 Decline Merkins

Rifle carry coupon back to starting cone (please completely move beyond/around)

Complete 10 Thrusters

Rifle carry coupon to opposite cone

Complete 25 Blockees

Rifle carry coupon back starting cone

Complete 10 Thrusters

Rifle carry coupon to opposite cone

Complete 25 Weighted Squats

Rifle carry coupon back to starting cone

Complete 10 Thrusters

Rifle carry coupon to opposite cone

Complete 25 Kettle Bell Swings

Rifle carry coupon back to starting cone

Complete 10 Thrusters

Rifle carry coupon to opposite cone

Complete 25 Vertical Block Presses

Rifle carry coupon back to starting cone

Complete 10 Thrusters

Rifle carry coupon to opposite cone

Complete 25 Alpos

Rifle carry coupon back to starting cone

Complete 10 Thrusters

**This completes one full round**

Rinse and repeat for 43 minutes.

The Particulars:
Begin each round with a 400 meter run then perform the exercises as prescribed.
Note that a 7th set of Thrusters has to be completed to end each round prior to running the 400 meters for the next round.

Best practice – keep track of your total rounds completed. Each full round is 220 reps. Your final round will likely be a partial round so you will need to calculate the reps in that partial round manually and add to total. Formula: (# of full rounds * 220 reps) + (partial round reps) = Total reps

Example – PAX completes 2 full rounds and makes it through 15 Weighted Squats

(2 full rounds * 220 reps) + (10 thrusters+25 decline merkins+10 thrusters+25 blockees+10 thrusters+15 weighted squats) = Total reps
(440)+(95)= total reps
535 = total reps

Exercise Standards:
*Thruster – Squat Thruster. Squats need to be parallel or below. Overhead press at top, full extension, head “through the window”
*Decline Merkin – Feet on block. Body in straight line. Chest to ground, arms fully extended at top.
*Blockee – Burpee with block. Chest to block on merkin, arms fully extended at top of merkin. Overhead press at top, full extension, head “through the window”
*Weighted Squat – Block behind head (see video), squats need to be parallel or below. Chest facing forward.
*KB Swings – Swing only to eye level. No need to swing higher. Block with a “taint touch” on bottom. (Note, due to Covid and Taint Touch, we strongly recommend not sharing blocks)
*Vertical Chest Press – Standard chest press lying on back. Block held in vertical position. Full extension at top, block to chest at bottom.
*Alpos – (see video) this is a high pull exercise. Grab block with arms crossed. Stand straight up. High Pull so that your wrist touches your chin. Arms fully extended at bottom. (You can bounce if you want to)

Circle of Trust

– Thankful for each breath we get
– Thankful for the ability to push ourselves
– Thankful that Caspers father found temporary emplyment
– Prayers for the pax not with us
– Prayer for my friend Dave and has healing post emergency gal bladder surgery

Naked Man Moleskin

I’m just so grateful for this group of men, and I really find myself missing the pax that aren’t there. It’s a great group of guys. So encouraging, and so much fun to be around. Hoping to see those pax that haven’t been able to make recently in the coming weeks.

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