Happy Birthday Mercia
AO: Battlefield
BeatDown Date: 07/06/2019
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names:
David Austin, Adam Rose, Scott Crenshaw,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: None
QIC: Major Pain
Food, Fireworks, Fun. None of these were present during this beatdown today!
25 Side Straddle Hops
25 Cherry Pickers
25 Windmills
The Thang
In a 4 man team complete 37 reps of each exercise totaling 1776
Kettle Bell Swings 35/45lb DB
Box Jumps/Step ups 20in
Air Squats
Sit ups
Dips on a bench
Double unders
Wall Ball 15lb
Ball Slams 15lb
DB Push Press 35/45lb
5 1 min. Planks
5 min Cool Down and stretch
Circle of Trust
Rodney and his son Sawyer, Sawyer is 9 years old and is battling 2 types of cancer
Rodney and Dana Hoover
First Love Ministries – Wisdom and guidance for Gandhi (David Austin) as he leads and directs the organization.
Terry Hurst – Health and looking to relocate to NWA. (Major Pains dad)
Naked Man Moleskin
Great work by all PAX today, total group effort through out a tough beat down.