Gnat Attack!

AO: 5andDime

BeatDown Date: 06/10/2021


Number of Pax: 12

Pax Names:

Backdraft, Casket, Einstein, Commodore, Badger, Picket Fence, Peta, Stoner,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Uncle Rico (Winston)

QIC: 57


Had an open spot so Grabbed the Q for this morning. Thinking through muscles that we haven’t worked out as much in the last few workouts, biceps & shoulders came to mind. So in the truck went some coupons with a little early arrival for strategic placement.


Mosey to the turf:

– weedpickers 10
– Abe vigoda 10
– Shoulder raises 10
– Sleep walker 123 (1 squat, 2 toe touch, 3 lunges (to 10 squats)

The Thang

Indian run to the Methodist Church parking lot off A St (south west of square)

– partner up and grab coupons
– one partner runs a lap around the parking lot while the other does the exercise. Then switch. Cumulative count until target number is reached for each exercise.
– 300 curls
– 200 shoulder press
– 100 merkins

Slow mosey to the square
– 30 dips
– 30 calf raises

mosey to courthouse steps
– “Stairway of 4’s” – shortened for time.
– 4 burpees, run up steps, 1 squat at top, then run back to burpee spot
– repeat with decreasing burpees and increasing squats until 1 burpee, 4 squats

Mosied back to the truck and we’re at time

Circle of Trust

– Welcome FNG Uncle Rico (Einstein brought)
– Backdraft and his M expecting birth of a child today. Prayers & congratulations!
– Einstein’s wife out of town for girls weekend and Einstein has the kids. Prayers for joyful time for both
– congrats to Caskets daughter on her new local job with L’Oréal.

Naked Man Moleskin

Welcome summer! The heat and humidity were out in full force this morning. Brought some extra sweat and mumblechatter to a good workout. Solid group this morning, and great to see 4 newer pax continuing to stick with it.

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