AO: Firehouse
BeatDown Date: 04/20/2021
Number of Pax: 12
Pax Names:
Wonka, Knockout, Badger, Nomad, PETA, TheMountain, Doughboy, MyeteryMeat, Yazoo, Fish&Chips, Outbreak, Rio
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/A
QIC: Rio & MysteryMeat
Still close enough to 4/18 honor & remember Hudson for his birthday. Our F3 brother, Nomad and his wife Kaitlyn welcomed Hudson into their family in April 2020 ahead of his passing in late 2020. Hudson, Kaitlyn, Brooke & Nomad won’t be forgotten so we pulled together a themed beatdown in Hudson’s honor.
Abe Vigoda
SSH (25 on 4-count)
Inch Worm x4
Neck Rolls
The Thang
– H (8) 4 corners. Merkins performed at each of four lightpoles around the parking
lot with sprints between.
– U (21) 4 sets of 21 air squats with a 30 second plank after each.
– D (4) Bearcrawl 4 spaces. 18 Mountain climbers. Bearcrawl back. Rinse & repeat
– S (19) 19 step ups
– O (15) 15 burpees
– N (14) Conveyor belt. All PAX lay on ground and pass ruck sack to the left.
After ruck is passed, PAX gets up and runs to end of line to receive
Ruck. Rinse and repeat 14 times.
MysteryMeat VQ’d the MoMs! Since Rio is a terrible time allocator, he got 3 minutes but used them well.
– CaptainThor up to 30 reps.
Circle of Trust
Happy Birthday to TheMountain!
Many thanks for the example of vulnerability from Nomad and allowing us to share in his loss. Heavy loads are best carried together. #ForHUDSON
Naked Man Moleskin
Gents, I wouldn’t want to roll around in the wet grass ahead of sunrise with anyone else…well, except all those FNGs who haven’t yet joined the fold.