First Saturday of 2020 (1/4)
AO: Genesis
BeatDown Date: 01/04/2020
Number of Pax: 8
Pax Names:
The Mountain
Dutch Oven
FNG (Buttercup)
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Luke Faddis (Buttercup). [email protected]
QIC: 57
Mixed in a few old favorites with a little something new to kick the new year off right!
– neckroll
– weedpickers(15)
– mountain man poopers (15)
– windmills (15)
– arm circles
The Thang
First part:
– mosey to north parking lot
– quarter pounder to include:
– 25 arkansas diamond merkins then run 25 yards and back
– 50 curls with bricks the run 50 yards and back
– 75 mountain climbers then run 75 yards and back
– 100 shoulder presses then run 100 yards and back
Part 2:
– mosey to tennis courts. On way:
– football drill while each pax going around the circle one at a time says down and a burpee is performed
– at tennis court we did a 2020 to honor the new year. This included:
– 4 sets of 20 LBC’s with 20 seconds rest between each set. Then run around 3 tennis courts (stopped to do 20 box jumps on first run)
– then 4 sets of 20 squats with 20 seconds rest between each and then run around tennis courts
– then for time, we combined 4 sets of 20 merkins and 4 sets of 20 back flys with bricks with 20 seconds rest between each (so 50 merkins and 50 back flys)
– finished off with final sprint around tennis courts
Part 3
– mosey back to south parking lot for 6mom
– protractor (20 secs at 25 degrees, 45 degrees, and 80 degrees
– Suzanne summers (20 each side) finished us off
Circle of Trust
– Badger was our 6th man
– makes FNG Luke faddis. F3 name is Buttercup. Email is [email protected]
– prayers for (healthy and prosperous new year, military and leaders in light of conflict with Iran, teachers and students coming back to school this week, and Doughboys brother in law for identification and healing for a mass found.
Naked Man Moleskin
Thankful for this group. Each man encourages me to work harder and be better. Happy to welcome a 2nd FNG in 3 weeks. Great way to start the new year!