Do you even lift bro?
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date: 09/02/2021
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names:
Picket Fence
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: N/A
QIC: Pho
Do You Lift Bro?
9 Pax descended on the 5and10 this morning for a Thunder Thigh Thursday (Renamed by HIM Nomad) BD in the gloom.
Disclaimer: I am not a professional…
Grass Grabber (10 IC)
Sprinkler (10 IC)
LBAC Series (Forward/Backward/Seal Clap/Ray Lewis)
The Thang
Lazy Dora: Pax 1 Dynamic/Pax 2 Static
Dymanic: Cindy/Static: Core: 6″, Leg Lifts, LBCs
2 Rounds of 25 then Switch (OYO)
50 Cindy Curls
50 Cindy Squats
Recovery Lap w/ Toe Taps
50 Curb Toe Taps (OYO)
50 Cindy Swings
50 Cindy Stiff-Leg Lifts
Recovery Lap w/ Merkins (OMC)
5 Erkins
5 Merkins (right hand on the Curb)
5 Derkins
5 Merkins (left hand on the Curb)
50 Cindy Rows
50 Cindy Lunges
Recovery Lap w/ Burpees
15 Burpees (OYO)
25 Cindy Presses
10 Cindy Extensions
Mosey back to the Flags
Circle of Trust
Taps for all those who are traveling, dealing with COVID, struggling with their challenges and uncertainties
Prayers for all of our leaders, frontline workers, military, those who are hurting (mind, body, soul).
Thanks for coming out this morning gents and helping me start the day! It was an honor to lead. I’ll be back.
Naked Man Moleskin
Instead of Heavy Friday, we tossed around some names for Thursday. The most exciting by far was Thunder Thigh Thursday.