Dancing with Cindy and a little F3 Baseball
AO: Genesis
BeatDown Date: 11/16/2021
Number of Pax: 14
Pax Names:
Badger, Outbreak, Knockout, Ex-Lax, Stoner, Cash Back, El Chapo, Doughboy, Rip Cord, Mr White, Fish N Chips, LA, Sparta, Nomad
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: n/a
QIC: Nomad
Disclaimer – I’m not a professional modify as needed (up or down)
Mission Statement – F3’s mission is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.
5 Core Principles
(1) open to all men
(2) free of charge
(3) held outdoors – rain or shine, heat or cold
(4) peer led in a rotating fashion (by men who participate in the workout) with no certification necessary
(5) Ends in the COT
Weed Picker IC
Abe Vigota IC
High Knees IC
Jumping Jack Burpee Flash
SSH (10), Burpees (5), 6 times
The Thang
Mosey back to the flag to pickup our date to the dance…cindy.
X 5 Rounds – run 50 yards to 5 burpees in between
10 squrls
10 kettle swings
10 thrusters
THANG #2 – BASEBALL (Inning 1)
The pax lined up behind home plate and each man called an exercise and then ran the bases. While the pax that called the workout runs the bases, the rest of the men do that exercise until the pax returns home. So on and so forth until all pax go 1 time.
THANG #3 – BASEBALL (Inning 2)
Performed on a baseball diamond (this was make shift as we did not have a baseball diamond – we made the bases out of cindy). Pax are divided into four teams. Each team starts at its own base. Teams must complete a cumulative number of reps of different exercise at each base…Frog Jump between bases. We did 1 inning until all pax made it back to the base they started.
1ST BASE= 100 merkins per team
2ND BASE= 100 squats per team
3RD BASE= 100 big boy sit-ups per team
HOME BASE= 100 burpees per team
Mosey back to the flag and drop Cindy and have mary.
American Hammers (50)
Crunches (25)
Circle of Trust
-El Chapo’s father (Larry) has cancer
-Nomad is having baby #3 – it’s a boy!
Naked Man Moleskin
YHC was disappointed that there was no more baseball diamond, but we improvised and used Cindys as our bases. Great work by all men today and it was a pleasure to be down at Firehouse and be with the southside pax.