Cowboy Victory Celebration
AO: Olympiad
BeatDown Date: 10/05/2021
Number of Pax: 13
Pax Names:
57, Casket, Atlas, Oracle, Fish N Chips, Wonka, Nomad, Cashback, Ex-Lax, Soccer Mom, Roscoe, FastTrack
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: FastTrack
QIC: Silver Bullet
The Q was open, the weather was a perfect Fall morning and the Cowboy victory was still fresh…it was all set up for a good ole’ Monday morning beatdown. And just like the Boys overcoming the #1 ranked defense on Sunday, the F3 NWA men overcame the Monday morning annoyance of an early morning alarm clock and the warm comfort of a fart sack to show up for a 45 minute beatdown and building brotherhood.
Covered Core Principles, offered disclaimers and began a very long warm-up
Warm a Rama
• Neck rolls (R & L)
• Arm Circles (F & B)
• Abe Vigodas
• Weed Pickers
Mosey to grass area
• Nolan Ryan x 10 each side
• Hacksaw Squats x 10 in cadence
• Merkins 10 count
• Run to other side repeat
• Rinse & Repeat 4 times total
Mosey to Half circle
• Dips 15 your count
• Step ups 10 your count 2:1
• Rinse & Repeat 4x
The Thang
Similar to Coach McCarthy of the Cowboys, the Q (YHC) struggled with clock management so the plan and the actual was a bit different – a big “Omaha” was called due to time. We moved through 1/2 the half the rifle carries and not all the exercises were finished…but we still won the battle.
Mosey to sidewalk close to steps / hill. Panthers 28 Cowboys 36 (So we performed 36 reps for each exercise)
1. Chuck Norris Merkins 36
2. Side Squats 36 (18/side)
3. Freddie Mercury 36
4. Alternating Shoulder Taps 36 (18/side)
5. Monkey Humpers 36 count
6. Heels to Heaven 36
7. Sun Gods 36 (18/forward/18/backward)
8. Copperhead Squats 36
9. LBCs 36
10. Hand release merkins 36
11. Mountain Climbers 36 2:1
All the while, the person on the end rifle carries the cinder block down and back, joining in the exercises while the next person takes the cinder block down and back.
Circle of Trust
GrowRuck – encouraged men to provide availability / interested in our event by voting on the 3 dates available on the growruck channel on our Slack.
F2 event this Friday at Tacos for Life in Rogers, see Slack F2
Prayers – Emma Hannaford, Dutch Oven, Collin Matthews, people affected by COVID, small child was killed in Rogers over the weekend, F3 Omaha lost a PAX,
Naked Man Moleskin
Lets be looking for opportunities to serve using the gifts we have been given…at home, in our communities, businesses, wherever we are led. Look and respond without hesitation…He will take care of the rest.
Why serve…
• Because there are opportunities to serve
• Because God has called me to serve
• Because God has gifted me to serve
• Because I have been served
1 Peter 4:10
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.