Compton Style
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date: 10/13/2021
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names:
Pho, Lonesome Dove, Cheese Steak, Fish-n-Chips, Tonka, Oracle
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: NA
QIC: Picket Fence
Dodged a deer and 6 racoons on the way to AO 5&10. Cue the Ice Cube song “Today was a good day”
In honor of God’s creatures seeing the light of another day – we pay homage to the Tortoise at the bottom of the Comptom Garden trail.
Arm circles, SSH, Copperhead Squat and Weed Pickers. “4 basic food groups”
The Thang
Short jaunt over to Compton Gardens parking lot. 3 rounds of 4 Tabata style exercises (3Osec work & 15sec recovery) separated by a run down the trail to say hello to the tortoise statue and sprint back up to continue next round. Planned for 3 sets – completed 2 and change.
Set 1 = Merkins, BBS, Squats, Plank (Run to the Tortoise & back)
Set 2 = Flutter Kicks, Mt Climbers, Plank Jacks, LBC’s (” “)
Set 3 = Derkins, (didn’t get to Step ups, Incline Merkin, Calf Raises)
Mosey back to Flag
Circle of Trust
Reminder on upcoming Ruck end of the month ahead of AO Genesis beatdown.
Prayers for the group and AO Firehouse Pax for unbelievable weather, for blessings on day and in their lives rest of week.
Naked Man Moleskin
We worked it hard this morning. Hills between Tabata work is no joke but good, good fun. Strong effort by everyone and the weather couldn’t be any better.