Cindy vs. Sandy
AO: Firehouse
BeatDown Date: 12/23/2021
Number of Pax: 7
Pax Names:
57, rip cord, badger, bull dodge, sun devil, mystery meat, ex-lax
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: n/a
QIC: ex-lax
Cindy and Sandy are upset with all you two-timing PAX
abe, arm circles, weed picker
The Thang
done to a Cindy/Sandy themed playlist
Blockies – Cindy burpies
Indian run passing Sandies (80 and 60 lbs)
Jingle bell rock – Squat/air chair on “Jingle”
all “I” want 4 xmass – plank / rotate on “I”
Thunderstruck – Leg raise / Big boy on “Thunder”
Circle of Sandy – Pass Sandies around via rotate high pull
Racing Sprints in twos while others deadlift, curl & press Cindy (bull didge winner)
Bring Cindy and Sandy home
one minute of mary with American hammers
Circle of Trust
Prayers for Collin Matthews, Dutch Oven and Alan Elenson. Thanksgiving for the healing of Will and Steve
Naked Man Moleskin
Alan Elenson is dealing with non-life-threatening but life-altering complications from the passing of stones procedure. Alan is a world record holding fisherman who has taken ex-lax’s boys deep sea fishing since they could hold a pole.