Cindy celebration at the Crik!
AO: The Crik
BeatDown Date: 06/28/2022
Number of Pax: 5
Pax Names:
Cashback, Sparta, El Chapo, Mystery Meat, LA
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: NA
Had a great workout with the Crik-ettes this morning! See what I did there…
Mosey, Arm Circles, Side straddle hops, week pickers, mosey with last man doing 10 merkins and catching up. Done in rotating fashion until all had done the merkins!
The Thang
10 Blockies
20 Block curls
20 Get Ups
30 Cindy Swings
Walking Lunges
20 Squats w/Cindy at chest
20 BBSU’s
30 Calf raises
30 Dips at the tables with Cindy in lap
20 Bent over rows
20 Clean and press
1/4 mile mosey
Popcorn round robin to finish out the time
Circle of Trust
El Chapo’s dad Larry for cancer healing
Cashback small claims legal stuff
Hookers healing after eye surgery
Shield lock efforts following 4th of July
Naked Man Moleskin
Great group of men! Honored to be a part of F3 and look forward to what the future holds as we continue to expand and bring in more men.