Card Games
AO: Genesis
BeatDown Date: 09/14/2019
Number of Pax: 9
Pax Names:
Doughboy, Joe Dirt, The Mountain, Ghost, Wonka, PETA, Switch, Dusty, 57
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: No FNG’s
QIC: 57
Have been thinking about the card game then for a month or so, and excited to bring it to life this morning. Not sure if the pax shared the same excitement when we were in the thick of it!
Jogged to parking lot:
– neck circles
– arm circles
– windmills
– weed pickers
– leg stretches
The Thang
Part 1:
– jogged to tennis court
– stopped half way to do 20 SSH’s
– at courts started with black jack (21’s). Included 20 mountain climbers followed by 1 lap across 2 court widths. Then 19 mountain climbers followed by 2 laps across 2 widths of tennis courts (back and forth). Goal was go until 1 mountain climber and 20 2 court dashes. Had to modify in exercise to one width of court dash and stop at 11’s in order to have time for main event!
Part 2:
– jog back to main parking lot
– stopped twice. Once for 20 SSH’s and once for caterpillar (all in plank straight line 2-3 feet apart then last man squat jumps down the line back to plank at front of line and next man goes to all men go).
Part 3:
– deck of cards!
– split group in 2
– all men grabbed 2 bricks and each group was given a deck of cards and instruction page
– instruction page showed hearts= squats, clubs = burpees, spades = dips, diamond = shoulder press, and joker = lap around parking lot. Also, jacks = 11, queens = 12, kings = 13, and aces = 21.
– the deck of cards had 44 cards. Had strategically removed 2 of the 10’s, jacks, greens, kings, and aces based in the exercise associated (example: removed ace of clubs)
– each team had to get through as many cards as possible in 20 minutes. Team had to do the exercises together. It was awesome!
– both teams finished the deck right at 20 mins. “Worked our” perfect!
Part 4 = 6MOM
– ABC’s
– LBC’s
– American hammer
– plank with shoulder tap
Circle of Trust
– prayers of thanksgiving for huckleberry and yazoo’s safe return
– prayers of protection over our families and for family patience during busy times
Naked Man Moleskin
Card game theme worked out well. There was constant motion and it moved quickly from one exercise to the next. Loved the encouragement shown to each other during the deck of cards game. Each man pushing his brothers to reach for more. It was fun to be a part of. Stronger together!