Call of the Wild
AO: Firehouse
BeatDown Date: 02/01/2022
Number of Pax: 6
Pax Names:
Fish N’ Chips
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: NA
QIC: CashBack
Beatdown is getting Wild! Gear up your primal senses for a beast of a workout. Lions, Tigers, and Bears…….won’t hold us back from getting better and stronger.
Shoulder rolls
Copperhead squats
Elephants Walks
Monkey Humpers
The Thang
Wheel of Animal Walk: 20m apart
Frog Hop –>10 merkins
Bear Crawl–>10 merkins
Duck Walk–>10 merkins
Crab Walk–>10 merkins
Short Mosey
Starfish Crunch(on 6, reach opposite arm to leg and alternate)—2 min
Wheel of Animal Walk:
Leaping Monkey(Hands down and zig zag)–>10 Squats
Spider Crawl–>10 squats
Lateral Ape (lateral hop with hands)–>10 squats
Inchworm–>10 squats
Short Mosey
Crunchy Frog—2 Min
Wheel of Animal Movements:
10 Bear Dogs (Bear Stance Raise opposite arm/Leg) –>Run 20 Meters
10 Zebra Butt-Kicks (Plank and Kick Back)–>Run 20 Meters
10 Scorpion Plank (Plank and kick back behind)–>Run 20 Meters
10 Werewolfs (downward dog to Upward)–>Run 20 meters
Short Mosey
Last Wheel: 2 rounds of movements of choice
Circle of Trust
Knockouts family and dog cancer in leg
Dutch Oven
Community and Sickness
Naked Man Moleskin
Pax found some movements they haven’t done in a while.