Blimps at the Bottom, ABCs at the Top
AO: Railyard
BeatDown Date: 06/27/2022
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names:
Murdock, Wooly Booger, Oracle, Usher
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: 0
QIC: Usher
We tried to put a shovel flag into the rocky ground to no avail. Sorry Murdock.
Let’s get warmed up.
Oh and there’s a Wooly Booger rolling in.
-SSH x10
-Copperhead Squats x15
-Abe Vigoda x10
-Weed Picker x 15
Alright let’s move!
The Thang
Started our run down the hill from the Railyard
Hooked a right this morning instead of heading to the loop around the lake
What’s this?
I thought this was a runner’s workout…
YUP. A round of Blimps to build that strength
Time to run back now that we’re good and tired.
No one cares what you can do fresh!
Back in toward the pavilion and then we’re on to the uphill climb.
Push to the end PAX.
We circle up for about 7 MoM at the top of the Railyard.
What’s in store?
Flutter Kicks x15 in cadence
BBSs x20 on count
LBCs x20 OYO
Suzanne Somers x20 each side in cadence
Alphabet (ABCs)
Circle of Trust
July 20 Family Beatdown at Lochmoor
Faith (3rd F) and Targeting/Growth/Expansion
Accelerating Faith
Naked Man Moleskin
Great work from the PAX today. We pushed to the end and didn’t give up (all the way to the end of the ABCs).
Great coffeeteria and QSOURCE conversation lead by Oracle, our newly established QSOURCE Q. We will push forward in the G3L and be disruptors by accelerating to advantage for the men around us.