Billy Madisoin

AO: 5andDime

BeatDown Date: 04/22/2021


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names:


Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: NA

QIC: Picket Fence


Back to School….Back to School….to prove to dad that I’m not a fool


Side Straddle Hop
Weed Picker
Arm Circles
Copper Head Squat

The Thang

Mosey to the Momentary – be sure to take a wrong turn at Albuquerque and end up fenced in at a construction zone on the way

Billy Madison:
12 grades = 12 reps of exercise separated by lap. Repeat each grade and add a new grade (exercise) to the previous completed grades.

Lap + Grade 1 (12 Squats)
Lap + Grade 2 (12 Squats, 12 overhead presses)
“” + Grade 3(“”, Calf raises)
Grade 4 Crunches
Grade 5 Plank
Grade 6 Side Straddle Hop
Grade 7 American Hammer
Grade 8 Alabama Prom Date
Grade 9 (Apollo Ohno)
Grade 10 (Monkey Humper)
Grade 11 (Merkin)
Grade 12 (Burpees)

Mosey back to AO 5&10

Circle of Trust

57 has the Q on Sat.

Naked Man Moleskin

Terrific effort today and some fine mumble chatter recalling best Billy Madison quotes.

Beautiful morning for a beat down! Go get it today.

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