AO Todos Tacos – Sweep the Leg
AO: Genesis
BeatDown Date: 01/22/2022
Number of Pax: 13
Pax Names:
Huckleberry, Cashback, Knockout, Fish and Chips, Badger, Nomad, Geek Squad (FNG), Picket Fence, Stoner, Ex-Lax, Wonka, Silver Bullet
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Geek Squad
QIC: Huckleberry
Huckleberry had a playlist!
Beatdown Playlist: https://music.amazon.com/user-playlists/5e340981dd09406d94fdcd7aaf6daa53sune?marketplaceId=ATVPDKIKX0DER&musicTerritory=US&ref=dm_sh_ETMzQPhhNmQH5tHTBgJqiJTpX
Carry weight to rally point COP. (Kettlebell, Cindy, Sandbag)
Warmorama: Q School, 3 Fs, 5 Core Principles
Abe Vagotas x 15 per
Weed Pickers x 15 per
High Knees X 20 per
Apollo Onos x 20 per
21s with penalty (Lunged 40 yards and back)
The Thang
Freakshow – Hold Plank with your weight sitting on the ground in front of you. Do a weighted thruster to press up on Freakshow.
Get Out Alive – Run for your life .4 to .5 mile up to upper parking lot or deck with weights
Hero – Continuous Superhero Single Leg Jump Squats and Spiderman Merkin Mix. Do Spiderman Merkin on Hero.
Partner Pain no music: 120 Weighted Big Boy Situps between partners. 1 pax runs 100 yards while another does weighted BBS.
Sweep the Leg – Continuous Squats and alternating single Leg Squat with Leg sweep on Sweep the Leg.
If You’re Going Through Hell – Run .6 mile loop no weight.
Back from the Dead – Turkish Get Ups with weight, alternate arms. Continuous. Do press-ups for alternate or modify exercise.
Bodies hit the floor –
Mosey with weight back to flag parking lot. Do press-ups as you walk
6 MOM:
Around the horn
Circle of Trust
COT: Cheer Dad Memorial
Naked Man Moleskin
It was great leading the men today at the new AO. So much potential to attract FNGs and cure the Sad Clown syndrome.
Pick up a copy of the new F3 Freed to Lead book at the F3Nation.com store.