Action packed RHS tour

AO: Genesis

BeatDown Date: 07/31/2021


Number of Pax: 13

Pax Names:

See video

Number of FNGS: 2

FNG Names: Eric (Atlas), Aiden (Fiddler)

QIC: 57


The idea of the “tour” was just to keep it moving. Lots of mosying with multiple stops for PT. Thankfully it worked out as hoped and ended up being an action packed beatdown!


Cherry pickers (50)
Overhead arm raises (25)
Front hand claps (25)
Weedpickers (10)
Abe Vagoda (10)

The Thang

Mosey to front of school:
– 40 squats (run loop)
– 30 dips (run loop)
– 20 merkins (run loop)
– 10 burpees (run loop)

Mosey to north lot:
– lunges across lot
– karaoke’s back (leg over leg side run)
– frog jump across lot
– karaokes back

Mosey to practice field house:
– Rocky balboas (50)
– scissor kick (25)
– 2 min plank

Mosey to cross country track mounds:
– bear crawl over forward
– bear crawl over backward

Mosey to ticket booth (partner up)
– one does 25 pull-ups, other holds plank. Then switch
– then one does 15 donkey kicks while other does calf raises. Then switch
– 10 burpees
– break into 2 groups for bear crawl relay

Mosey back to cars for 6mom (2 mom today)
– LBC’s (25)
– box cutters (10 IC)

Circle of Trust

– named our FNG’s
– reminded of helping The Posey’s move
– prayed for Dutch oven, Collin Matthew’s, 3 individuals Fortnight met on mission, the pax and families, and the posey’s for their move

Naked Man Moleskin

Felt like a solid beatdown this morning and had a few grunts at the end that left me feeling good about the group getting pushed this morning. Enjoyed the conversations in Coffeteria afterwards, and helping Cynthia Posey and family move was a sweet experience. Wonderful to be able to lend a helping hand to other physically, in friendship, and through prayer.

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