9-24 beatdown inspiration
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date: 09/24/2020
Number of Pax: 11
Pax Names:
See video
Number of FNGS: 1
FNG Names: Shawshank (Roscoe's son)
QIC: 57
So many great features in downtown Bentonville makes beatdown planning fun. Got my inspiration this time from the date, 9/24. Figured 9 exercises, 24 reps each with a little run in between would provide a good workout for all.
– Weed pickers (10)
– Abe (10)
– Arm stretch
– Frankensteins (25yrd)
– SSH (15)
– Butt kickers (25ytds)
The Thang
Mosey to parking garage
9/24 (9 exercises, 24 reps each, run up/down parking deck between exercises):
– merkins
– Squats
– Dips
– Bbs
– Lunges
– Planco Planch
– Calf raises
– Leg lifts
– Burpees
Mosey to rink:
Lt. dan “Can’t feel my legs!”:
– 1 lunge , 4 squats
– Go to 6/24 then back down
Circle of Trust
Rio gave thanks for the opportunity to visit his 91 year old Grandfather. We all just gave thanks for Grandparents love, example, and encouragement
Nomad called out appreciation for Stoner for joining him last Sunday to re-run IPC wk3. Stoner is an always on encourager. Let’s all follow his example!
We lifted up Yazoo’s extended family in prayer as they go through some difficult times due to family deaths. Pray for peace, and hope for them.
Naked Man Moleskin
Had a blast this morning. Happy to have the opportunity to lead this group of men through a morning workout.