5 Levels

AO: Genesis

BeatDown Date: 01/25/2020


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names:

Mountain, 57, Huckleberry, Yahoo, Wonka, Doughboy

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: None

QIC: Doughboy


It was cold. Very cold, as we entered the 5 levels. Goal for the day… somebody pukes.


Jog to the courtyard – short warmup (weed pickers, hammys, arm circles)

The Thang

5 Levels (3 sets)

* Level 5 – 50 Mountain Climbers
* Level 4 – 40 Squats
* Level 3 – 30 Shoulder Taps
* Level 2 – 20 Dips
* Level 1 – 10 Burpees

Interval Run – 30 sec intervals slow/fast run (6 min)

10’s (3 sets) – done together

1. Box Jumps
2. Plank squats
3. Diver pushups
4. Donkey kicks

Interval Run 2 – 30 sec intervals

* Jog/Lunge
* Jog/High Knees
* Jog/Butt Kicks
* Repeat

6 Minutes of Mary

* Plank (1 minute)
* Superman (1 minute)
* 50 Suzanne Summers (each leg)
* Say my name – Spell Doughboy

Circle of Trust

Doughboys brother in law – Caleb
Wonka international travel
Nicaraguan missionaries

Naked Man Moleskin

Nobody puked. I’ll try harder next time.

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