6 Million Dollar HIM
AO: 5andDime
BeatDown Date: 08/19/2021
Number of Pax: 18
Pax Names:
Picket Fence
Red October
Easy Pass
Fish and Chips
Silver Bullet
Back Draft
Pho (YHC)
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names: n/a
QIC: Pho
18 ~ 6 Million Dollar Men seeking to upgrade their bodies descended on the 5 and Dime this morning for non-stop and action packed beat down. DNA donations were left all around the Historic Downtown Bentonville’s Gloom Labs and the results show that this group were all HIMs.
Analysis results:
What is HIM? We know it stands for a High-Impact Man but what does that look like day to day? A HIM is Humble- puts others before himself, life is not about him but others, servant heart that finds joy in seeing others prosper. A HIM Invests in others- this takes time and attention to detail, put something into the cup of others don’t just take. A HIM is Mentally tough- overcomes life’s obstacles with grit and grace.
SSH (20 IC)
Downward Dogs w/ Calf Stretches (10 Count)
Mountain Man Poopers (10 IC)
LBAC’s (10 IC – Forward/Flap Jack)
The Thang
Mosey to the Rail
Calf Raises (Regular, L/R – 15 IC)
Squatting Calf Raises (Regular – 15 IC
Iron Chair Calf Raises (Left Leg on Right Knee/Flap Jack – 8 IC)
Mosey to the Square
1 Lap – 20 Merkins at each Corner (80 Merkins total – OYO)
Mosey to the Strip:
Red Barchetta (OYO)
· 100 YD Dash
· 100 SSH
Run back plank for the six
· 75 YD Dash
· 75 Mountain Climber
Run back plank for the six
· 50 YD Dash
· 50 LBCs
Run back plank for the six
· 25 YD Dash
· 25 Plank Jacks
Run back plank for the six
· 10 YD Dash
· 10 Burpees
Run back plank for the six
Mosey to the Ramp:
Round 1
Bottom: 30 LBC’s
Back Pedal up the Hill
Top: 20 V-UPs
Round 2
20 Gas Pumper Crunches
Back Pedal up the Hill
Top: 40 Leg Lifts
Round 3
50 Super J-Lo’s
Mosey to the Fountain
Dips (20 IC)
Circle of Trust
Taps for all those who are traveling, dealing with COVID, struggling with their challenges and uncertainties
Prayers for all of our leaders, frontline workers, military, those who are hurting (mind, body, soul).
Naked Man Moleskin
Thanks for coming out this morning gents and helping me start the day! It was an honor to lead. I’ll be back.